OK Cybersecurity Coalition Joins Governor Stitt for HB1759 Signing

Kevin Sesock

8/5/20211 min read

On Wednesday, OK Cybersecurity Coalition members Corey White, Craig Buchannan, and Kevin Sesock joined Representative Trish Ranson, Representative Andy Fugate, and Senator Zach Taylor as Governor Kevin Stitt signed Oklahoma House Bill 1759, which strengthened Oklahoma's cybercrime laws so that Oklahomans will be better protected against cyber criminals.

The Cybersecurity Coalition Legislation team's relationship with these legislators was very productive and was able to help by researching, drafting bill language, and serving as technical resources for them.

Said Sesock, "It was a pleasure working with the Representatives and Senator from both sides of the aisle, while getting to be involved in the process of improving Oklahoma's cybersecurity laws."

More information available from InsuranceJournal.

The text of the bill is available here.